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Do I need previous Jump Rope experience?Absolutely not, we all start somewhere! I had to start somewhere too! The classes are designed to teach you how to properly Jump. Many of us are still working on our technique in different areas.
Which rope do you recommend?There are a ton of different rope options out there. I recommend starting with a beaded rope, as it provides more feedback (and doesn't whip as badly) while learning to jump and trying advanced tricks. A speed rope is a great choice for beginners as well, it is great for agility, working on footwork, practicing double unders and building endurance through intense cardio. A weighted rope is a great choice if you are incorporating Jump Rope into your workouts by adding weight and resistance. Beginners may also benefit from using a weighted rope in class to master timing and form, as the rope takes a little longer to rotate allowing for more time to focus. My best advice is to try out a class and see which rope you are most comfortable with! There is no "one-size-fits-all"
How long should my rope be?Again, there is no "one-size-fits-all" My suggestion is to start below and as your form and technique improves, you will find your rope length will become shorter. Most ropes are adjustable and I will size you properly in class.
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